Elton John Quotes

 Elton John Quotes

Elton John is a famous musician known for his incredible songs and flamboyant style. He has written many hit songs like "Rocket Man" and "Your Song," and his energetic performances make him a beloved figure in the music industry.

1) Music has healing power. It can take people out of themselves for a few hours.

Elton John Quotes

Music is magical! It can heal us and make us forget our worries. When we listen to music, it transports us to another world, lifting our spirits and making us feel better, even if just for a little while.

2) I never thought of myself as being handsome or good-looking or whatever. I always felt like an outsider.

Elton John Quotes

I never saw myself as attractive or good-looking. I always felt like I didn't fit in with others.

3) We live in an age, in an era where there is so much negativity, there is so much violence in the world, there is so much unrest and people are at war, that I wanted to promote the word love and red signifies love.

Elton John Quotes

In today's world, there's a lot of negativity, violence, and unrest. I wanted to spread love and positivity, which is why I chose the color red, symbolizing love.

4) And I'm afraid, in this day and age, trust, which I count so, you know, I love loyalty. I love trust.

Elton John Quotes

In today's world, trust is really important to me. Loyalty and trust are things I value a lot. It's natural to feel worried about trust because it's so significant in our lives.

5) The great thing about rock and roll is that someone like me can be a star.

Elton John Quotes

Rock and roll is amazing because it gives people like me a chance to become stars. It doesn't matter where we come from or what we look like, as long as we have the talent and passion for music.

6) I grew up conservative because my mum was a conservative, and when I finally realized what conservatives were, I changed my mind immediately. As children, we tend to copy our parents.

Elton John Quotes

When I was young, I had conservative beliefs because my mom did. But once I learned more about what being conservative meant, I quickly changed my mind. As kids, we often imitate our parents' ideas and values.

7) I'm not everybody's cup of tea. But sometimes criticism can be hurtful. Be respectful. I'm a good piano player, I can sing well, and I write good songs. If you don't like it, fair enough. But give me a break.

Elton John Quotes

I may not be everyone's favorite, and criticism can sting. Let's be kind and respectful. I'm skilled at playing the piano, singing, and writing songs. If you don't enjoy it, that's okay. But please cut me some slack.

8) I've always wanted to smash a guitar over someone's head. You just can't do that with a piano.

Elton John Quotes

There's something about smashing a guitar on someone's head that has always appealed to me. It's a unique way to release frustration or show anger. Pianos, unfortunately, don't offer the same satisfaction.

9) If you write great songs with meaning and emotion, they will last forever because songs are the key to everything. Songs will outlast the artist and they will go on forever if they are good.

Elton John Quotes

When you create songs that are powerful and heartfelt, they have the potential to endure forever. Songs hold immense significance and can outlive their creators, leaving an everlasting impact if they are truly remarkable.

10) For me, music is so passionate, that I have to give it my all every time I go onstage. Onstage, it was always comfortable for me, because that's where I felt at home.

Elton John Quotes

Music is my passion, and when I perform on stage, I pour my heart and soul into it. Being on stage feels natural and cozy to me because it's where I belong.

11) I have no one to leave the money to. I'm a single man. I like spending my money.

Elton John Quotes

Since I don't have anyone to pass my money to, being single, I enjoy spending it. I can use it to have fun and treat myself without worrying about saving it for someone else's future.

12) When Little Richard used to stand up and play it was just fabulous, and Liberace had the candlesticks and the rings and the gift of the gab. The piano is the most ungainly rock' n' roll instrument of all time but those two people transcended it, as did Jerry Lee Lewis.

Elton John Quotes

Little Richard and Liberace were amazing performers. Little Richard's energetic presence and Liberace's flashy style with candlesticks and rings made them unforgettable. Even though the piano isn't a typical rock 'n' roll instrument, they, along with Jerry Lee Lewis, made it work exceptionally well.

13) I love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of life. I love the food. I love the people. I love the attitudes of Italians.

Elton John Quotes

I adore places with fascinating stories. The Italian lifestyle captivates me. The food is amazing, and the people are wonderful. Italians have such a great attitude towards life, and that's something I truly love.

14) I've only been interested in the artistic side of life.

Elton John Quotes

For me, I've always been drawn to the creative and artistic aspects of life. Whether it's painting, music, or writing, I find joy and inspiration in expressing myself through different forms of art. It's what truly captures my interest and passion.

15) When your persona begins to take over your music and becomes more important, you enter a dangerous place. Once you have people around you who don't question you, you're in a dangerous place.

Elton John Quotes

When your image becomes more important than your music, it can be risky. If you have people who never question you, it's even riskier. It's important to stay true to your art and have honest people around you.

16) Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel.

Elton John Quotes

Jesus taught us to be loving and forgiving, but it's hard to understand why some people are so cruel. Maybe they've been hurt themselves or don't know any better. We can still choose kindness and try to make a difference.

17) I heard Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, and that was it. I didn't ever want to be anything else. I just started banging away and semi-studied classical music at the Royal Academy of Music but sort of half-heartedly.

Elton John Quotes

When I listened to Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, I was instantly hooked. I knew I wanted to be a musician. I started playing music passionately and even studied classical music, but not with full commitment.

18) As a child, as a teenager, I was kind of not allowed to wear fashionable clothes.

Elton John Quotes

When I was younger, my parents didn't let me wear trendy clothes.

19) I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it, which I loved in Sunday school and I collected all the little stickers and put them in my book. But the reality is that organized religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate.

Elton John Quotes

I enjoy the teachings of Jesus Christ and the wonderful stories I learned in Sunday school. I collected stickers and made a book out of them. However, organized religion often fails to promote compassion, turning people into followers filled with hate instead of love.

20) Everything I thought I'd hate about having children - the crying, the screaming - nothing fazes me. I love it all, and it relaxes me.

Elton John Quotes

I used to think I wouldn't enjoy having kids because of the crying and screaming. Surprisingly, none of it bothers me. I actually love everything about it, and it even helps me feel more calm and relaxed.

21) I grew up at my grandmother's house, and she had a beautiful garden. I used to hate mowing the lawn and weeding, which is what you do when you're a kid. I loathe gardening, but I love gardens, and I have two beautiful gardens.

Elton John Quotes

When I was a kid, I lived with my grandmother who had a lovely garden. Back then, I didn't enjoy mowing or weeding. Surprisingly, now I have two beautiful gardens of my own, even though I still dislike gardening.

22) If there is a better singer in England than Craig David, then I am Margaret Thatcher.

Elton John Quotes

Craig David is an amazing singer from England. This statement means that the person saying it thinks Craig David is the best singer, and they're jokingly comparing themselves to Margaret Thatcher, who wasn't known for singing.

23) I do work a lot. I mean, most of my income, I would say, comes from live performances. And then you've got publishing, you've got record royalties.

Elton John Quotes

I work a ton. Most of my money comes from performing live shows. But I also make money from publishing my music and getting royalties from record sales. It's a mix of different sources of income for me.

24) I've got that resilient thing inside me. But I wasn't a happy bunny.

Elton John Quotes

Deep inside me, there's a resilient spirit that helps me bounce back. However, I wasn't feeling joyful or content. I was like an unhappy bunny, experiencing difficulties or challenges in my life.

25) Well, I'm a huge fan of Ryan Adams, who's from North Carolina. And he's beginning to break really quite big.

Elton John Quotes

I'm a big fan of Ryan Adams, a talented musician from North Carolina. He's becoming really popular and successful in his career.

26) People with HIV are still stigmatized. The infection rates are going up. People are dying. The political response is appalling. The sadness of it, the waste.

Elton John Quotes

People with HIV are still judged unfairly. More people are getting infected, and some are losing their lives. The way politicians are dealing with it is terrible. It's sad and a big loss for society.

27) I could never go onstage in denim.

Elton John Quotes

For me, wearing denim on stage is a big no-no. It's just not my style. When I perform, I want to feel confident and put together. So, denim is definitely off-limits for me.

28) Fame attracts lunatics.

Elton John Quotes

Fame can draw in some pretty crazy people. When you're famous, you might encounter some eccentric or even unstable individuals who are obsessed with you. It's just one of the strange things about being in the spotlight.

29) And there's no guarantee that if you get HIV and you take these triple therapies, or whatever comes along next, they're going to be successful for you.

Elton John Quotes

If someone gets HIV and takes the recommended treatments, there's no sure guarantee of success. Even with triple therapies or new treatments, results can vary for each individual. It's important to be aware of the uncertainties involved.

30) As Elton John, my days on pop radio are over, and I know that and I accept it and I'm not unhappy about it.

Elton John Quotes

Elton John acknowledges and embraces the fact that his days on popular radio are behind him. He understands this reality and feels content with it, without any sadness or unhappiness.

31) Well, as I was saying... everyone's so nice to me, usually.

Elton John Quotes

I must admit, people are usually very kind to me. They treat me well and are generally friendly.

32) My mum always used to buy a record every Friday.

Elton John Quotes

Every Friday, my mom had a special tradition. She would buy a new record. It was something she looked forward to, like a small treat to make her happy. Music brought joy to her life.

33) I've never had writer's block, but still, I think: 'Is it going to happen this time?' You never know what you're going to get; you just put your fingers on the keys and hope.

Elton John Quotes

Even though I've never experienced writer's block, I still wonder if it will strike one day. Writing is unpredictable; you just start typing and hope for the best, never knowing what you'll create.

34) I'm a great lover of children. I never thought that one day I'd actually be a father, but I'm very pleased that I changed my mind. Children are extremely important. They are the future of the world.

Elton John Quotes

I always loved kids and never thought I'd become a dad. But I'm glad I did because children are crucial. They hold the key to our future and the world's well-being.

35) I am the most well-known homosexual in the world.

Elton John Quotes

I am proud to be the most famous gay person in the world. My identity has gained global recognition, and I am celebrated for representing the LGBTQ+ community and promoting acceptance and equality for all.

36) I was just genuinely shy. I'd always been a shy kid.

Elton John Quotes

I used to be really shy. It's just who I was from a young age.

37) I went to a mixed school and I can't remember being bullied at school, ever. I was quite large, in those days. Usually, if you're going to be a bully, you'll pick on someone small. I didn't bully anybody, and I don't remember being bullied.

Elton John Quotes

In my mixed school, I was never bullied. I was big, and bullies usually pick on smaller kids. I didn't bully anyone, and I can't recall anyone bullying me either.

38) I just go into the studio, look at the lyrics for the first time when I put them on the piano, and go. If I haven't got it within 40 minutes, I give up. It's never changed, the thrill has never gone because I don't know what I'm going to get next.

Elton John Quotes

When I go to the studio, I glance at the lyrics, sit at the piano, and start playing. If I can't figure it out within 40 minutes, I stop. The excitement never fades because I never know what I'll create next.

39) I think performers are all show-offs anyway, especially musicians. Unless you show off, you're not going to get noticed.

Elton John Quotes

Performers, especially musicians, are often considered show-offs. Showing off is important because it helps them get noticed. It's like putting on a spectacle to grab people's attention and showcase their talent.

40) I do like my rock stars to be a little larger than life. I don't mind the earnest ones at all, but I do like a bit of individuality.

Elton John Quotes

When it comes to rock stars, I prefer them to be a little extraordinary. It's fine if they're sincere, but I appreciate some uniqueness too. I enjoy it when they stand out and have their own style.

41) I loathe celebrities. I can't stand it.

Elton John Quotes

I really dislike celebrities. It's something I can't tolerate.

42) The worst thing you can do to a child, and I've seen it happen so many times, is the silver spoon.

Elton John Quotes

Giving children everything they want without any effort can be harmful. It may seem nice, but it can prevent them from learning important skills, facing challenges, and becoming independent.

43) I'm so proud to be on a Kate Bush record; she's always marched to the beat of her own drum.

Elton John Quotes

I feel really happy and honored to be part of a Kate Bush album. She has always followed her own path and done things her own way, which is really cool and unique.

44) An agent is a person who is sore because an actor gets 90% of what they make.

Elton John QuotesElton John Quotes

An agent is someone who feels frustrated because actors receive 90% of their earnings. Agents work behind the scenes to help actors get opportunities, but they receive a smaller portion of the income for their efforts.

45) And I talked to my doctor, and I must admit, you know, I'm sometimes quite renowned for my outbursts and I was just very frustrated, maybe a little frightened.

Elton John Quotes

I spoke with my doctor about my tendency to have outbursts. I'm known for them, and I was feeling frustrated and maybe a little scared.

46) Fame attracts lunatics.

Elton John QuotesElton John Quotes

When someone becomes famous, they often attract attention from people who are not mentally stable or rational. These individuals might exhibit strange or extreme behaviors, making fame a magnet for eccentric or unstable individuals.

47) I'm a very wealthy man.

Elton John Quotes

I have a lot of money and possessions.

48) The worst thing you can do to a child, and I've seen it happen so many times, is the silver spoon.

Elton John Quotes

Giving children everything they want without them having to work for it is not good. It can make them entitled and not appreciate hard work. I've seen it happen a lot.

49) Well, I'm a huge fan of Ryan Adams, who's from North Carolina. And he's beginning to break really quite big.

Elton John Quotes

I'm a big fan of Ryan Adams, a famous musician from North Carolina. He's becoming really popular and successful in his career. People all over are starting to recognize his talent and appreciate his music.

50) An agent is a person who is sore because an actor gets 90% of what they make.

Elton John Quotes

An agent is like a person who feels upset because an actor receives 90% of their earnings. They help actors find jobs and negotiate deals, but they may be frustrated by the large portion the actors keep for themselves.

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