Summer Walker Quotes

 Summer Walker Quotes

Summer Walker is a talented singer and songwriter known for her soulful R&B music. Her songs often capture raw emotions and personal experiences, making her music relatable and heartfelt. She has gained popularity for her unique sound and honest lyrics.

1) At the end of the day, I'm a person. I have feelings. I get tired. I get sad.

Summer Walker Quotes

Regardless of who we are or what we do, we all have emotions and experiences. Just like anyone else, I too feel tired and sad sometimes. It's a reminder that we're all human.

2) I'm just a regular person, nothing more.

Summer Walker Quotes

You might think you're just an ordinary person, but that's what makes you special! Each person has unique qualities and experiences that shape who they are. Embrace your individuality and remember, even ordinary people can do extraordinary things!

3) There are a lot of people out here faking a smile on their face like they got it together but inside actually suffering from some sort of traumatic experience, a loss, depression, fear, envy, or whatever the case may be, but I can feel it.

Summer Walker Quotes

Sometimes, people pretend to be happy even though they're going through difficult times. They might be dealing with things like sadness, loss, fear, or envy. Even though they hide it, some of us can sense their true emotions.

4) I fart. My backstage ritual is flatulence.

Summer Walker Quotes

Sometimes, before going on stage or performing, people have certain rituals or habits. For some, like this person, farting is their backstage ritual. It may sound funny, but everyone has their own unique ways of preparing themselves.

5) I don't want to lose myself for someone else.

Summer Walker Quotes

It's important to stay true to who you are. Losing yourself means changing who you are to please someone else, and that's not healthy. Be yourself and prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

6) Black women, I'm talking to you, because it's not white women, it's not Latino, it's not Native American - I checked, it's y'all. The self-hate is ridiculous. Why do you hate yourself so much, why do you hate your texture, why do you hate your culture, why do you hate your history?

Summer Walker Quotes

It's important to address the issue of self-hate among Black women. Despite other racial groups not experiencing it as much, it's prevalent among Black women. Why is there so much dislike towards oneself, hair texture, culture, and history?

7) Performing gives me so much anxiety.

Summer Walker Quotes

Imagine being on stage, all eyes on you. It's natural to feel anxious, like butterflies in your stomach. Performing can be nerve-wracking, but it's also a chance to overcome fears and share your talents with the world.

8) I would be more at peace if I could just record music and slide it under the door.

Summer Walker Quotes

Imagine if you could find peace by creating music and sharing it without any direct interaction. It's like sliding a beautiful melody under a door, allowing it to bring solace and express your emotions without needing to engage directly with others.

9) I take showers, I don't like them because I like baths in the very nice jacuzzi or garden tubs.

Summer Walker Quotes

Taking showers is a common way to get clean, but some people prefer baths in luxurious jacuzzis or garden tubs. They find them more enjoyable and relaxing, unlike showers which may not provide the same level of comfort.

10) As you know, I have been very open about my struggle with social anxiety.

Summer Walker Quotes

Social anxiety is when someone feels very nervous or uncomfortable in social situations. It can make simple things like talking to people or being in a crowd feel overwhelming. It's important to be open about it because it helps others understand and support you.

11) I have been me from day one, I'm not about to start acting differently, talking differently, treating people differently, or looking different.

Summer Walker QuotesSummer Walker Quotes

Since the very beginning, I have always been true to myself. I won't change who I am by behaving, speaking, or treating others differently, or by altering my appearance. I believe in being authentic and staying genuine.

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