Cody Johnson Quotes

 Cody Johnson Quotes

Cody Johnson is a country music singer and songwriter. He's known for his heartfelt lyrics, catchy tunes, and authentic cowboy style. His music often tells stories about love, life, and the simple joys of country living.

1) My cell phone is the number one way for me to communicate with my fans. I love the direct connection I can make via social media whether I am on the road or at home.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Your cell phone is like a magical tool that helps you connect with your fans. It's the best way to talk to them, especially through social media. No matter where you are, you can instantly reach out and share your thoughts and experiences. It's like having a direct line to your fans, whether you're on an exciting adventure or just chilling at home.

2) I love being unpredictable and unexpected.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Being unpredictable and unexpected means doing things surprisingly and uniquely. It adds excitement and mystery to life, making things more interesting and keeping others curious about what you'll do next. It's a way to embrace spontaneity and keep things fresh.

3) Being a public figure a lot of people will really love what you do, but you know there is also a ton of people who will hate it.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When you become well-known, many people will admire and appreciate your work. However, it's important to understand that there will also be a lot of people who might dislike or criticize it. It's a reality of being in the public eye.

4) Bullying is a topic that's been close to my heart for a while.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Bullying is something that I care deeply about. It's a subject that has been important to me for a long time, and I feel strongly about raising awareness and making a positive change to prevent it.

5) People feel so much more comfortable bullying behind a screen than in person. It gives them a mystique and makes them say things that they would never be strong enough to say in person.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When people use screens to bully others, it's like wearing a mask that makes them feel invincible. They say hurtful things they wouldn't dare say face-to-face, giving them a false sense of power and hiding their true identity.

6) To be honest, romantic comedies are one of my favorite types of movies ever. I've seen most of them that are under the sun.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I absolutely love romantic comedies! They're my favorite kind of movies. I've watched so many of them, almost all the ones that exist. They bring a lot of joy and happiness to my life.

7) To be honest, the acoustic stuff is my favorite thing to do.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When it comes to music, I have a special love for acoustic performances. There's something about the stripped-down, raw sound that really resonates with me. It's my favorite thing to do!

8) I actually grew up listening to country music.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When I was growing up, I enjoyed listening to country music. It was the type of music that resonated with me and brought me joy.

9) With the Internet, fans feel like they know you, and I love that kind of connection.

Cody Johnson Quotes

The Internet has changed the way fans interact with celebrities. It creates a sense of familiarity and connection because people can learn so much about their favorite stars online, and many fans love that personal connection.

10) I grew up a competitive swimmer. I wanted to go to the Olympics. Both my parents were professional swimmers. I competed internationally quite often, right up until I moved to California to pursue music.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Growing up, I was really into swimming and dreamed of going to the Olympics. Both my parents were swimmers too, so it ran in the family. I even got to compete internationally before I shifted my focus to pursuing a music career when I moved to California.

11) Miley Cyrus has always been, always been my childhood celebrity crush. I knew all the words to her songs, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not ashamed of it at all.

Cody Johnson Quotes

It's totally normal to have a celebrity crush, and for you, that crush is Miley Cyrus! You loved her songs so much that you knew all the words. Don't be ashamed - it's fun to admire and enjoy the talent of our favorite celebrities.

12) I like to write about lots of things in real life that people can relate to, that people can I guess connect with and the fans could understand what I'm talking about.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Writing is a way to express thoughts and ideas. When I write, I choose topics from everyday life that many people can relate to. It helps create a connection between me and my readers, so they can understand and connect with what I'm saying.

13) This sounds weird, but some of my concerts have been kind of dangerous sometimes. I've had a few girls actually sent to the hospital because they faint and all that kind of stuff, which is really, really weird to me.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Concerts can be exciting, but sometimes things can get a little crazy. Believe it or not, some of my concerts have been so intense that a few girls actually ended up in the hospital because they fainted. It's strange and surprising to me, but it shows how passionate and enthusiastic fans can be.

14) You know, as far as public perception goes, if you get seen with some people one time, everyone thinks you're in that group.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Have you ever noticed that if you're seen hanging out with certain people once, people automatically assume you're part of that group? It's interesting how public perception works, as a single instance can create a strong association in people's minds.

15) I love being able to connect with my friends and I want them to feel as close to me as possible.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Having strong connections with friends is important to me. I cherish the bond we share and strive to make them feel as close to me as I do to them.

16) I'm pretty drama-free.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Being "drama-free" means you avoid unnecessary conflicts or complications in your life. You prefer a peaceful and calm existence, focusing on positive experiences and avoiding unnecessary stress or arguments. It's like living in a relaxed and hassle-free zone.

17) I write about everything that happens in my life, whether or not the songs actually are released or not.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Imagine having a personal diary where you write about everything that happens in your life. That's what this person does, but instead of a diary, they write songs. They pour their thoughts and experiences into their music, even if the songs may never be released. It's like a creative outlet, a way to express themselves and capture the emotions of their journey, regardless of whether others get to hear it. It's a beautiful way to process life's ups and downs and turn them into art.

18) Miley is one of my best friends, and she helps with some of that transitional stuff - trying to escape your childhood. She's super open-minded, and I'm working on becoming more like that.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Miley is a really close friend of mine who supports me during times of change, like when I'm trying to grow up and leave my childhood behind. She's very accepting and open-minded, and I admire her for that. I'm learning to be more like her too.

19) I love a challenge.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Challenges are like exciting puzzles or games that push us to try our best and overcome obstacles. They keep things interesting and help us grow and learn new things. Embracing challenges can lead to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.

20) To have all my hard work pay off is amazing.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Imagine you put in a lot of effort and worked really hard towards something. Finally, when it all comes together and you achieve success, it feels absolutely incredible. All the time and energy you invested have paid off, and that's an amazing feeling.

21) I grew up on the beach and I grew up surfing and I grew up swimming in this very genuine beach town back in Australia, and it's just something I really want to reflect in my lifestyle and in the way I am, the way I represent myself, the way I dress and the music that I make.

Cody Johnson Quotes

The beach has been a big part of my life since I was a kid. I love surfing, swimming, and the laid-back atmosphere of my Australian beach town. It has shaped my lifestyle, the way I present myself, my fashion choices, and even the music I create. I want to reflect that beachy vibe in everything I do.

22) You can say, 'Put your hands up.' And 30,000 people put their hands up. It's one of the craziest things.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Imagine being in a huge crowd of 30,000 people. When someone says, "Put your hands up," everyone in the crowd raises their hands simultaneously. It's an amazing sight to see so many people following a simple command all at once.

23) Obviously spending my teenage years in music, and in popular music, I wanted to continue this career, but in a way that allows me to dictate it and create it myself as opposed to relying on third party or more corporate decision making.

Cody Johnson Quotes

During their teenage years, the person spent time in music and wanted to pursue a career in it. However, they desired to have control over their own creative path rather than relying on others or corporate decisions. They sought independence and the ability to shape their musical journey.

24) Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Neil Young, and Bob Dylan are my main influences.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Having influences means being inspired by certain people in a particular field. In this case, the mentioned musicians—Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Neil Young, and Bob Dylan—are the main sources of inspiration for the person. They have greatly impacted their musical style and creativity.

25) For me, it's more about the musicianship - focusing on the guitar, and playing with my band, rather than just going out and doing what anyone my age can do with backup dancers and a track.

Cody Johnson Quotes

To me, what matters most is being a skilled musician. I concentrate on playing the guitar and performing with my band, rather than relying on backup dancers and pre-recorded tracks like many others my age might do.

26) I was just a regular kid.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Imagine being a regular kid, just like everyone else. No special powers or extraordinary talents. Sometimes, the most amazing stories begin with someone who starts off just like you, before they embark on incredible journeys.

27) It's nice to have a lot of people supportive of what I'm doing.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Having many supportive people is great. They cheer me on and encourage me in what I do, making me feel good. It's like having a team of people who believe in me and want me to succeed.

28) My accent fades away I guess when I sing. It's really weird. I guess singing is pretty much a universal language like you sing however everyone else sings and that's with an American accent. I sound very different when I talk.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When I sing, my accent disappears, which is strange. Singing seems to be a universal language, where everyone adopts an American accent. But when I speak, I sound very different.

29) Intelligence is the sexiest thing in the world.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Intelligence is incredibly attractive. It's like a superpower that makes people stand out. When someone is smart, they can solve problems, share interesting ideas, and have stimulating conversations. It's like a magnet that draws others in.

30) I grew up on the Gold Coast of Australia, on the beach, basically.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I had an awesome childhood on Australia's Gold Coast, living right by the beach. It was like having a giant playground in my backyard, filled with sand, waves, and endless fun in the sun!

31) John Mayer is the epitome of the lead guitar player so I sent him an email with a bunch of my music and he sent back really detailed advice.

Cody Johnson Quotes

John Mayer is an amazing lead guitar player. I emailed him my music, and he gave me incredibly helpful advice. It was like getting a personal lesson from a guitar legend!

32) I've always been interested in kind of doing the thing that you weren't necessarily recommended to do.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I've always been intrigued by doing things that people didn't necessarily suggest or advise. It's like exploring uncharted territories and discovering new possibilities by going against the norm. It adds excitement and opens up unique opportunities.

33) I'm always good mates with everyone and stay on the good side of people. I never let any bad blood between anyone.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I make sure to be friends with everyone and avoid any conflicts. I don't hold grudges or let any negativity come between people. I believe in keeping things positive and maintaining good relationships with everyone.

34) Stuff that's really not that bad is made a big deal. People like to do that about everyone. You just have to deal with it.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Sometimes, people blow small things out of proportion and make a big fuss. It happens to everyone. The trick is to handle it calmly and not let it bother you too much.

35) I think I learned how to swim before I could walk.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I became a swimmer even before I started walking.

36) I really like 'Wish U Were Here.' It's about being on tour, but really missing someone and wishing she was there with me. I shot the music video at different places all around the country, where I've been on tour.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I love 'Wish U Were Here.' It's a song about being on tour and feeling lonely without someone special. For the music video, I filmed at various places across the country where I've performed during my tours.

37) I've really improved, I think, as far as just being able to get up onstage with my guitar and sing.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I've gotten a lot better at performing on stage with my guitar and singing. I feel more confident and skilled. It's exciting to see my progress and feel comfortable sharing my music with others.

38) Sometimes I wish there could be a little more mystery and I'd been an artist in the 1960s when you could release your music and play the shows and no one would know anything about you other than that.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Sometimes, it would be nice if things were more mysterious. Back in the 1960s, artists could release their music and perform without everyone knowing everything about them. It added an element of intrigue and kept the focus on the music.

39) I'm a seeker of transcendence through music, and that's kind of where I'm at with the live shows - wanting to help people get out of their heads a little bit.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I love music because it helps me experience something beyond everyday life. When I perform live, I want to help people escape their thoughts and enjoy the moment, letting the music take them to a different place.

40) My first taste of theater was my middle school play. We did 'The Jungle Book.' I auditioned for Mowgli, which I didn't get. I ended up playing a part as one of the monkeys.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When I was in middle school, I got to experience theater for the first time through our play, 'The Jungle Book.' I auditioned for Mowgli but didn't get the role. Instead, I got to be one of the monkeys, which was still a fun part to play.

41) Music is just where I sort of write my emotions down.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Music is like a way to write down my feelings. It's like a journal for my emotions. Instead of using words, I use melodies and rhythms to express myself and share how I feel with others.

42) I worked hard on giving my fans and giving the world a big piece of myself through music.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I put a lot of effort into sharing my music with my fans and the world. I wanted to give them a significant part of who I am, expressing myself and connecting with others through my songs.

43) I'm like the male Taylor Swift.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Just like Taylor Swift, I'm a guy who expresses his emotions through music. I write songs that tell stories about love, heartbreak, and life. So, you can think of me as the male version of Taylor Swift!

44) I first picked up a guitar at seven after watching Dad play at backyard barbecues.

Cody Johnson Quotes

When I was seven, I saw my Dad playing the guitar at fun backyard parties. It inspired me to try it too! That's when I first started playing the guitar and fell in love with making music.

45) I think everyone should get out and go for a surf.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Surfing is awesome! It's a great idea for everyone to go out and give it a try. It's fun and exciting, and you get to ride waves in the ocean. So grab a board and catch some waves!

46) I try to stay very, very true to my roots and my lifestyle and I wanted to be able to share that with my fans.

Cody Johnson Quotes

I always stay true to who I am and where I come from. I need to show my fans who I really am and how I live my life. I want to share that with them.

47) It's my biggest advantage with girls - I'm going to try to keep my accent as much as can.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Having an accent can be an advantage when talking to girls. I'll try my best to keep my accent because it makes me unique and interesting, and it helps me stand out from others.

48) It's insane to have the first album, the first morning of it coming out, it's insane.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Having your first album released is an incredibly exciting and mind-blowing experience. The feeling of anticipation and the realization that your music is out there for the world to hear can be overwhelming and amazing.

49) I have been a lover of the sea ever since I can remember.

Cody Johnson Quotes

Since I was young, I've always loved the sea. Its vastness and beauty captivate me. The sound of crashing waves and the salty breeze makes me feel alive. The sea holds endless adventures and secrets waiting to be discovered.

50) The Wish Factory did a tremendous job and I am amazed at how closely the doll resembles me. The clothes are modeled off actual stuff I wear, which is pretty cool.

Cody Johnson Quotes

The Wish Factory did an amazing job creating a doll that looks just like me! I'm impressed with how similar it is. The doll's clothes are even based on the actual outfits I wear, which is really cool.

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