Gayle Forman Quotes

 Gayle Forman Quotes

Gayle Forman is a popular author known for writing compelling and emotional stories. Her books often explore themes of love, loss, and personal growth, and they have touched the hearts of many readers around the world.

1) Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Life is full of choices, and sometimes the choices we make shape who we become. But it's also true that circumstances and unexpected events can influence our path, making choices for us. It's a reminder that life is a combination of our decisions and the unpredictable twists it throws our way.

2) Fake it till you make it actually work.

Gayle Forman Quotes

"Fake it till you make it" is a saying that means pretending to be confident or skilled even if you're not. Interestingly, by acting the part, you can gain real experience and confidence that eventually lead to success. So sometimes, pretending can help you become the real deal.

3) People believe what they want to believe.

Gayle Forman Quotes

People have the freedom to believe whatever they choose. Sometimes, people believe things because they want to, regardless of whether those beliefs are based on facts or evidence. Our personal beliefs shape how we see the world and make decisions.

4) If I stay. If I live. It’s up to me.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine you're faced with a choice: to stay or to go, to live or to give up. In the end, it's in your hands. You hold the power to determine your own destiny and shape your own future. The decision is yours to make.

5) I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Dying refers to the end of life, which can sometimes seem easier because it brings an end to struggles. On the other hand, living requires facing challenges and finding ways to overcome them, making it harder but also more rewarding.

6) Forward momentum. That’s my new motto. No regrets. And no going back.

Gayle Forman Quotes

"Forward momentum" means always moving forward, making progress, and not getting stuck in the past. It's a motto that encourages you to embrace new experiences, focus on the present, and let go of regrets or the desire to go back to the past.

7) Everyone has hardships in their life. Everyone has pain.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Life is full of challenges and difficulties, and everyone goes through tough times. We all experience pain in different ways, but it's something that connects us as human beings. It's a reminder that we're not alone in our struggles.

8) Life might take you down different roads. But each of you gets to decide which one to take.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Life is like a big maze with many paths to choose from. Sometimes, circumstances may push us in certain directions, but ultimately, we have the power to decide which path to follow. It's up to each of us to make choices that shape our own unique journey.

9) If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine someone is saying, "If you don't trust me to make decisions for myself, how can you trust me to take care of a child?" They're questioning why someone would doubt their ability to make choices while expecting them to be responsible for a child. It highlights the importance of trust and consistency in judging someone's capability in different areas of life.

10) It’s quiet now. So quiet that can almost hear other people’s dreams.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine a place so peaceful and calm that it's almost silent. In this tranquility, you can listen so closely that you can almost hear the dreams of the people around you. It's a magical moment where imagination and possibility fill the air.

11) But what if Shakespeare – and Hamlet – were asking the wrong question? What if the real question is not whether to be, but how to be?

Gayle Forman Quotes

Shakespeare and his famous character Hamlet often pondered whether to exist or not. However, what if they were looking at it the wrong way? Instead of asking "to be or not to be," maybe the real question is "how to be?" In other words, it's not about simply existing, but about how we choose to live our lives and make a positive impact in the world. It shifts the focus from mere existence to finding purpose and living with intention.

12) I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It’s okay if you have to leave us. It’s okay if you want to stop fighting.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, people may feel overwhelmed or tired of fighting. It's important to let them know that it's okay if they need to leave or take a break. Understanding and supporting their decision can be helpful and comforting.

13) Anything can happen in one day.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine waking up one morning, and by the end of the day, your life has completely changed. That's the beauty of life - anything can happen in just one day. It's exciting and unpredictable, so make the most of every moment!

14) Life is a big fat gigantic stinking mess, that’s the beauty of it, too.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Life can be messy, unpredictable, and chaotic. But within that messiness lies its beauty. The ups and downs, the imperfections, and the unexpected moments make life uniquely fascinating and worth experiencing.

15) Sacrifice, That’s what we do for the people we love.

Gayle Forman Quotes

When we truly care about someone, we are willing to make sacrifices for them. Sacrifice means giving up something important to us to make the other person happy or protect them. It shows the depth of our love and commitment to their well-being.

16) You don’t share me. You own me.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine if someone said to you, "You don't share me. You own me." It means they don't want to be divided or shared with others. They want to belong exclusively to you, like a special possession. It can express a strong sense of commitment and desire to be exclusively yours.

17) C’est courageux d’aller dans l’inconnu’: It is courageous to go into territory unknown.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine you're exploring a mysterious place you've never been before. It takes courage to venture into the unknown, to face new challenges and experiences. That's what "C’est courageux d’aller dans l’inconnu" means, recognizing the bravery it takes to embrace the unfamiliar and discover new possibilities.

18) You just work through it. You just hang in there.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes in life, things can get tough. But the key is to keep going and not give up. Just work through the challenges, keep pushing forward, and hang in there. It's a reminder that perseverance and determination can help us overcome difficulties.

19) And now I am here, as alone as I’ve ever been. I am seventeen years old. This is not how it’s supposed to be. This is not how my life is supposed to turn out.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine feeling completely isolated and alone, even at a young age. That's how a seventeen-year-old person might feel in this situation. They had different expectations for their life and were disappointed with how things had turned out. It's a difficult and unexpected experience for them.

20) When the sun shines, you let it shine on you.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine you're outside on a sunny day. When the sun is shining, you embrace its warmth and light. It's like saying, "Hey, sun, do your thing!" You allow yourself to bask in its positivity and enjoy the moment.

21) Love never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Love is a powerful force that never disappears. It stays strong if you hold onto it. Love doesn't fade away, and it can make you feel like you'll live forever because of the impact it has on your heart and soul.

22) Part of me knows one more day won’t do anything except postpone the heartbreak. But another part of me believes differently. We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love one day. Anything can happen in just one day.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes we feel like an extra day won't make a difference, but deep down, we know it can. In one day, our lives can change completely. We're born, we die, we transform, and we can even find love. Anything is possible in just 24 hours.

23) If these walls could talk, I wonder what secrets they’d tell.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine if the walls of a place could speak and share all the hidden stories they've witnessed over time. From whispered secrets to moments of joy or sadness, it would be fascinating to hear the tales they hold within them.

24) Saba used to say there was a difference between bravery and courage. Bravery was doing something dangerous without thinking. Courage was walking into danger, knowing full well the risks.

Gayle Forman Quotes

According to Saba, bravery and courage are different. Bravery is acting without thinking, while courage is facing danger despite knowing the risks. It's about being aware of the danger but still having the strength to confront it.

25) We can change in one day. We can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in one day.

Gayle Forman Quotes

In just a single day, our lives can be transformed. Love can blossom, and unexpected events can occur. It's amazing how much can happen in such a short period, leaving us with endless possibilities and opportunities.

26) It doesn’t rain every day. Just every other day.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine if it rained every single day, it would get boring and wet, right? Well, luckily, nature gives us a break. It only rains every other day, so we can enjoy some sunshine and dry moments in between the showers.

27) A long flight. Jetlag. Immigration. Customs. And then finally, that first step into a new place, that moment of exhilaration and disorientation, each feeding the other. That moment when anything can happen.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine being on a long plane ride to a new country. When you arrive, you feel tired from the journey and confused by the new rules at immigration and customs. But then, you take your first step into this unfamiliar place. It's a mix of excitement and confusion, and you feel like anything is possible. It's a moment filled with anticipation and the sense that adventure awaits.

28) Because that day with Willem, I may have pretended to be someone named Lulu, but I had never been more honest in my life. Maybe that’s the thing with liberation. It comes at a price.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, being true to ourselves means taking risks and stepping outside our comfort zone. In a special moment with Willem, even though the person pretended to be someone else, they felt the most genuine and free. This shows that liberation often requires sacrifice.

29) L’chaim!’: To life!

Gayle Forman Quotes

"L'chaim!" is a phrase from the Hebrew language, and it means "To life!" It's a joyful expression used to toast and celebrate life, expressing a wish for a happy and fulfilling existence. It's a way to appreciate and embrace the beauty of living.

30) You’ll get through it. I know you seem like you won’t, but you will.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine going through a tough time when it feels like everything is falling apart. But here's the thing: You're stronger than you think. Even though it may seem impossible, trust me, you'll make it through. Hang in there!

31) I don’t know who I am. Or maybe I do know who I am and I just don’t want to be her anymore.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, we may feel unsure about our identity. We might question if we truly know ourselves or if we want to change who we've become. It's a common and complex part of self-discovery.

32) I’m not choosing, but I’m running out of the fight.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine being in a tough situation where you can't avoid fighting anymore. It's like you're running out of options and have to face the challenge head-on. You're not actively choosing to fight, but circumstances are pushing you toward it.

33) It’s just one day, one twenty-four-hour period to get yourself through.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine a day is like a journey, lasting 24 hours. Sometimes life feels overwhelming, but remember, it's just one day, and you have the strength to make it through. Take it step by step, and you'll reach the end.

34) You were so busy trying to be my savior that you left me all alone.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes people have good intentions and want to help, but they can become so focused on being a hero that they forget to listen and understand. This can leave the person they're trying to help feeling abandoned and alone.

35) I’m surrounded by people and feel alone.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, even when we're with others, we can still feel lonely. It's like being in a crowded room but not connecting with anyone on a deeper level. It's important to reach out, express our feelings, and find ways to build meaningful connections with others.

36) Sometimes you can only feel something by its absence. By the empty spaces, it leaves behind.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine you have a favorite toy, but one day it's gone. You might realize how much you loved it only when you see the empty space where it used to be. Sometimes, we understand the value of something when it's no longer there.

37) You meet people, you part ways, and sometimes you cross paths again. Mostly, you don’t.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Life is a journey full of encounters and farewells. Sometimes, fate brings people back together, but most of the time, they go their separate ways. It's a reminder to cherish the moments we have with others.

38) When you make such a large withdrawal of happiness, somewhere you’ll have to make an equally large deposit. It all goes back to the universal law of equilibrium.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Imagine happiness is like money in a bank. If you take out a lot of happiness, you'll need to put in an equal amount later. It's like a balance in life. This idea follows the law of equilibrium, which means things need to even out in the end.

39) Anything that kills hope is a sin.

Gayle Forman Quotes

When something takes away our hope, it's like wrongdoing. Hope gives us strength, inspiration, and the belief that things can get better. So, anything that extinguishes hope is considered a sin against our spirit and potential.

40) I actually feel something in my chest open, a feeling so intense, it’s like my heart’s about to burst. And I just let it. I just let it out.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, we experience emotions that feel overwhelming. It's like a powerful sensation in our chest, almost like our hearts could explode. But instead of holding it in, we allow ourselves to express it freely, releasing the intensity and finding relief in the process.

41) In the calculus of feelings, you never really know how one person’s absence will affect you more than another’s.

Gayle Forman Quotes

In the complex realm of emotions, it's hard to predict how the absence of one person can impact you differently from another. Sometimes, unexpected connections form and the loss of someone unexpectedly can leave a profound impact on our lives.

42) We are like Humpty Dumpty and all these king’s horses and all these king’s men cannot put us back together again.

Gayle Forman Quotes

We're in a situation like Humpty Dumpty, where no matter how hard everyone tries, they can't fix what's broken. It's a reminder that some things, once broken, can't be fully restored, no matter how much effort is put into it.

43) In the lead-up to the launch of the new book I Was Here, I’ve seen a lot of discussion about depression and suicide and mental health and YA dealing with such intense matters. What I haven’t seen discussed are kittens.

Gayle Forman Quotes

While the focus has been on serious topics like depression and suicide in YA books, one thing that hasn't been talked about is kittens. Let's take a moment to appreciate the joy and cuteness they bring, providing a much-needed balance amidst heavy discussions.

44) Neither sleet nor rain nor a half inch of snow will compel me to dress like a lumberjack.

Gayle Forman Quotes

No matter the weather, I refuse to dress like a lumberjack. I'll stick to my own style, thank you! A little snow or rain won't change my fashion choices.

45) You’re just trying on different identities, as everyone in those Shakespeare plays. And the people we pretend, they’re already in us. That’s why we pretend to them in the first place.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Like characters in Shakespeare's plays, we all try on different identities. The people we pretend to be are already a part of us. We pretend to connect with those aspects of ourselves and explore different sides of our personalities.

46) My husband used to say that scars were like tattoos but with better stories.

Gayle Forman Quotes

According to my husband, scars are like cool tattoos, but they have more interesting tales to tell. Each scar has a unique story behind it, making them special reminders of life's experiences and adventures.

47) There are so many things that demand to be said. Where did you go? Do you ever think about me? You’ve ruined me. Are you okay? But of course, I can’t say any of that.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, we have so much on our minds that we wish to express. Questions about someone's whereabouts, their impact on us, and concern for their well-being. Sadly, we often hold back our words, left with unspoken thoughts and feelings.

48) Travelling’s not something you’re good at. It’s something you do. Like breathing. You can’t work too much at it, or it feels like work. You have to surrender yourself to the chaos. To the accidents.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Traveling isn't a skill you can be good at; it's an experience you embrace. It's like breathing—you can't force it. Working too hard at it makes it feel like work. Instead, let go, embrace the chaos, and be open to unexpected adventures.

49) I want to undo this. To make it right. But I have no idea how. I don’t seem to know how to open up to people without getting the door slammed in my face. So I do nothing.

Gayle Forman Quotes

I feel a strong desire to fix things and make them better, but I'm unsure how. It's hard for me to connect with others without feeling rejected, so I end up doing nothing instead.

50) Sometimes the best way to find out what you’re supposed to do is by doing the thing you’re not supposed to do.

Gayle Forman Quotes

Sometimes, the unexpected path can lead to discovering your true purpose. By taking risks and defying expectations, you might stumble upon new opportunities and passions that guide you toward what you're truly meant to do.

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