XXXTENTACION was a talented rapper and singer known for his emotional and raw music. He had a troubled past but inspired many with his messages of self-reflection, mental health, and empathy.

1) Follow your dreams, and know that even though you have lost, you have guardian angels watching over you, day in and day out.


Chase your dreams and remember that even when you face setbacks, guardian angels are looking out for you every single day.

2) Life is a matter of perception. Everything is a riddle. You can simplify if you diversify your thoughts.


Life is like a puzzle that can be seen in different ways. It's full of mysteries and challenges. By exploring different perspectives and ideas, you can make things simpler and find new solutions to the riddles it presents.

3) You can’t do well if you’re wishing bad on others.


If you spend your time wishing harm upon others, it distracts you from focusing on your own success. By embracing positivity and supporting others, you create a better environment for yourself to thrive and achieve your goals.

4) Do not let your depression make you. Do not let your body define your soul. Let your soul define your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream, and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have strength.


Don't let depression define you. Your true worth is not determined by your physical state. Let your inner self shape your outer self. Your mind has endless potential. Believe in yourself, chase your dreams, and find strength within to make them come true.

5) Doesn’t matter how dark it gets, the sun will always come out again, Let the sun be a reminder to you that the negative feelings and emotions shall pass. Let it be a reminder that you will outshine all that try to take you off your path. You are a star. You are divine. Your life is your own, and your purpose is yours to choose.


No matter how tough life gets, the sun will always rise again. It's a symbol that difficult times won't last forever. Remember that you have the power to overcome negativity and shine brightly. You're special, unique, and in control of your own life and purpose.

6) Your self-respect is what matters. You cannot have a good life or have other people respect you for that matter if you don’t respect yourself.


Your self-respect is like a compass for a happy life. When you value yourself, others will too. It's the key to gaining respect from others and creating a fulfilling life filled with confidence, happiness, and healthy relationships.

7) The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from enemies. It comes from those you trust the most.


The most heartbreaking aspect of betrayal is that it doesn't come from those who dislike you; it stems from the people you trust deeply. It's a painful realization when someone close to you betrays your trust.

8) In life, you don’t need a lot of friends, just the right ones.


Having a large number of friends isn't essential; what matters are the few genuine connections. True friends support, understand, and uplift you. Quality over quantity ensures a meaningful and fulfilling social circle that enriches your life.

9) We’re all fighting battles no one knows about.


Every person is facing personal struggles that remain hidden from others. It's a reminder that we should be kind and understanding, as we never truly know the battles someone is fighting within themselves. Empathy can make a big difference in someone's life.

10) I don’t know anybody else here who obviously tries to pave their own way or is strong enough to distribute their own mind.


I don't know anyone else who boldly charts their own path or dares to express their unique thoughts. It's inspiring to see someone so independent and intellectually independent, refusing to conform to the norm.

11) I could never say I understand how you are all feeling, nor can I find the right words to say to you, but I do want you all to know, that you are not alone.


It's hard for me to fully grasp your emotions or find perfect words, but I want you to know that you're not alone. Even though I can't fully understand, I stand with you and offer my support.

12) So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find a way of envisioning a better life.


Even though I feel unhappy right now, I believe I can imagine a brighter future. I'll search for ways to make my life better, finding hope and inspiration to create a happier existence.

13) The enemy does not want you to be happy. Be happy, always.


Don't let the enemy steal your happiness. Embrace joy and positivity in every moment. By choosing happiness, you defy those who wish to bring you down and live a life that is truly fulfilling and abundant.

14) Some people just don’t deserve you. They aren’t ready for your level of loyalty or love. You have to always remember that not everyone was raised like you. Not everyone has a pure heart and good intentions like you. And not everyone has your best interest and wants to see you succeed.


Not everyone is deserving of your loyalty and love. People may not have been raised with the same values or have good intentions as you. Remember, not everyone wants to see you succeed, so choose those who appreciate and support you wisely.

15) And when the moon comes, come to terms with yourself. Are you on your path? Do you deserve to rest? How much have you progressed, and if and when you have, look to yourself and think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.


When night falls and the moon appears, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself if you're following your true path. Allow yourself the rest you deserve. Measure your progress and envision the person you aspire to become.

16) Who am I? Someone afraid to let go.


Who am I? Someone who clings to what's familiar, afraid of embracing change. Like a bird hesitant to leave its nest, I find comfort in the known. But perhaps it's time to take flight and discover new horizons.

17) I’m lost, then I’m found.


"I'm lost, then I'm found" expresses the journey of being confused or uncertain about life, only to eventually discover a sense of purpose or direction. It represents the hope and relief that comes from finding one's way after a period of confusion.

18) It all takes time.


In life, everything requires time. Just like baking a cake or learning a new skill, it's a process. Patience is key as we work towards our goals, knowing that with time and effort, we can achieve great things.

19) I’m always where the sun doesn’t shine.


"I'm always where the sun doesn't shine" means being in places that lack sunlight or happiness. It suggests being in gloomy or unpleasant situations. It's a clever way of saying one often finds themselves in less than ideal circumstances.

20) I advise you to not hide your feelings, don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not okay, and don’t pretend to be happy when you’re sad, it’ll only lead to your misery.


It's important, to be honest with yourself and others about how you feel. Putting on a fake smile or hiding your sadness can make you feel worse in the long run. Embrace your emotions and seek support when needed to avoid unnecessary unhappiness.

21) Being alone really makes you realize all you have is yourself.


Being alone helps you understand that you're your own support system. It teaches self-reliance and encourages personal growth. It's a time to reflect, discover your strengths, and learn to be comfortable in your own company.

22) I’m in pain, wanna put 10 shots in my brain. I’ve been tripping about some things, and can’t change the suicidal same time I’m tame.


It sounds like you're going through a tough time, feeling a lot of pain and having dark thoughts. Remember, there's always help available. Reach out to someone you trust or call a helpline. You don't have to face it alone.

23) The reason why I keep my feelings to myself is that I can’t explain them, not even to myself.


Sometimes, it's hard to put our feelings into words, even for ourselves. That's why we may choose to keep them inside. Emotions can be complex and mysterious, and it's okay to struggle with understanding and expressing them.

24) To all the kids lacking love, depressed, anti-social, misunderstood, angry, crazy, black, white, yellow, gay, straight, bi, I accept you all, and you will forever have a friend, lover, and brother in me until the very day I am dead. When you feel you are alone, think of me, my heart and energy are with you, and you are accepted.


No matter who you are or how you feel, I embrace and support you. Whether you're struggling, different, or seeking acceptance, remember I'm here for you. You're never alone because my love and support will be with you always.

25) If worse things come to worst, and I die or something and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life.


Even if the worst happens and I can't achieve my dreams, I hope the kids understand my message and find success. I want them to take my word, create something positive, and live a good life.

26) What is money really worth if it ain’t love?


Money can buy things, but it can't buy love or true happiness. Love, connections, and meaningful relationships are priceless and bring more joy and fulfillment than any amount of money ever could.

27) I can’t seem to forget the pain you seem to give. The pain you seem to give, my friend.


It's hard for me to forget the hurt you keep causing. It feels like you're intentionally causing pain, my friend.

28) I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom.


Despite having wealth and freedom, I feel sadder than many. It shows that money and freedom don't guarantee happiness. Emotions aren't determined by external factors alone; they can be complex and unrelated to material possessions.

29) If people want to judge me, they can judge me.


I'm okay with people forming their own opinions about me. It's their right to judge. I won't let it bother me because I believe in being true to myself, and their judgments don't define who I am.

30) Depression and obsession don’t mix well.


Depression and obsession are like oil and water—they don't blend harmoniously. Depression weighs you down, while obsession consumes your thoughts. Struggling with both can create a turbulent inner world that is difficult to navigate and find peace within.

31) The most important thing is that when you get knocked down, get back up.


No matter how hard life knocks you down, the key is to always find the strength to rise again. Resilience is crucial. It's about learning from setbacks, never giving up, and embracing the opportunity for growth and success.

32) Be kind to one another, even when it’s not requested.


Being kind to others, even without being asked, is a powerful act. It shows empathy, compassion, and respect. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day and create a more positive and harmonious world.

33) I finally have everything in my hands, so now, you’re gonna see who’s the greatest artist of the century.


With confidence and determination, the speaker believes they now possess everything needed to showcase their artistic brilliance. They are ready to prove that they are the greatest artist of this century, eager to display their talent to the world.

34) Grow your wings, fly away, fly away, fly away.


"Grow your wings" means to develop your abilities and skills. "Fly away" represents the freedom to explore and pursue your dreams. It's a motivational phrase encouraging you to break free from limitations and soar toward new horizons.

35) Would I change anything about my journey? No.


Reflecting on my journey, I wouldn't change a thing. Each experience, whether good or bad, has shaped who I am today. Embracing the lessons learned and the growth achieved, I cherish every step taken along the way.

36) Demonstrate care for the youth’s future, white or black, black or white.


Showing concern for the future of young people, regardless of their race, is crucial. By treating all youth equally, regardless of skin color, we create a fair and inclusive society where everyone has a chance to thrive and succeed.

37) Whether you realize it or not, every day you evolve and create a thought.


Every day, without even realizing it, you grow and shape your thoughts. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, your mind transforms and expands. Embrace the power of your evolving thoughts and let them guide you to new possibilities.

38) Carry on, like flights. I just carry on with this pain inside of my chest. Got no choice but to carry on.


Like flights, I continue forward, despite the pain in my chest. There's no other option but to keep going, to persevere. It's a reminder that sometimes we must bear the burdens we carry and press on.

39) If you love someone, you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right?


Yes, when you love someone, it means being committed and devoted to them. It involves putting in effort, support, and care to nurture the relationship and make the person feel valued and cherished. Love is about mutual respect and dedication.

40) I came here, and I was still able to do what I wanted. I was still able to show my work and my lyrics. I was still able to go against the grain.


When I arrived here, I could still pursue my passions. I could showcase my art and my words. I could defy expectations and be different from others.

41) It’s unfortunate because it’s like, yo, when people die, that’s when we like ’em, you know? ‘Cause your remorse kind of makes you check ’em out.


It's sad, but sometimes we only appreciate people after they die. When we feel regret, we start paying attention to them.

42) If we live in a world governed by feeling and emotion, let’s just make sure it’s a good one.


Imagine if our world was shaped by positive feelings and emotions. Let's strive to create a good world where happiness, kindness, and love prevail. We have the power to make it happen.

43) If death is what it seems, why is it so vividly portrayed in our dreams? Fear of understanding the devil running its course. Fear’s not a factor. It’s coming straight from the source, remorse.


Dreams often show death vividly, but why? It's because we fear the unknown. We're not scared of understanding death itself; we're scared of the regrets and guilt we may have when facing it.

44) You can be around a million people and still be alone. I know what that feels like.


Sometimes, even when you're surrounded by many people, you can still feel lonely. It's a feeling of being disconnected from others, even in a crowd.

45) I know you got your problems, but brother, they got theirs. This is not a game, quit violence and grow a pair.


Hey, I understand you have your own challenges, but remember, others have their own too. Life isn't a game, so let go of violence and show some courage by facing your problems head-on.

46) Tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my damn mind. Tired of feelin’ like I’m wrapped in a damn lie. Tired of feelin’ like my life is a damn game.


I'm exhausted from feeling stuck in my own thoughts, tired of being wrapped up in lies, and worn out from living my life like it's just a game.

47) Lost in the pessimistic state of perception, it’s been hard to participate in natural instances, and due to my history, I don’t know what’s next for me but keep my composure.


Feeling negative and pessimistic has made it difficult for me to enjoy everyday moments. Because of my past experiences, I'm unsure about what the future holds, but I try to stay calm and composed.

48) I don’t like to speak about my age because people try to use my age to determine my knowledge.


Talking about my age can be tricky because some people judge my abilities based on it. But remember, knowledge is not limited to age. Wisdom, experience, and curiosity matter more than a number.

49) It is all a process. The longer you wait, the longer it will take.


Achieving your goals is like a journey. The more you delay, the more time it will take to reach them. So, start taking action now and avoid unnecessary delays to reach your destination sooner.

50) I can’t seem to find someone’s shoulder. Who will I rely on when it’s over?


Sometimes it feels like there's no one to lean on when things get tough. We all need someone to rely on, but it's important to remember that we can also rely on ourselves to overcome challenges.

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