Nirvana Quotes

 Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is a term from Buddhism that means a state of peace and happiness where all suffering and desire are gone. It's like reaching a perfect state of contentment and enlightenment, where there's no more worry or stress.

1) Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

Nirvana Quotes

Trying to be someone else is a waste of who you are. You are unique and special just the way you are, and trying to be someone else means you are not living up to your full potential.

2) Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem. They’re no good at all.

Nirvana Quotes

Drugs are bad because they make you forget things and don't let you respect yourself. You lose confidence and feel bad about yourself. So, it's better not to do drugs because they won't help you in any way.

3) We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.

Nirvana Quotes

Before we share our thoughts, we need to have all the information. It's not fair to have an opinion without knowing all the facts. So, it's important to do research and understand a topic completely before expressing an opinion.

4) I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

Nirvana Quotes

It's better to be disliked for who you really are than to be liked for pretending to be someone you're not. It's important to be true to yourself and not change who you are just to please others.

5) A friend is nothing, but a known enemy.

Nirvana Quotes

This quote means that a friend can sometimes act like an enemy because they know things about us that can be used against us. So, it's important to be careful who we trust and share personal information with.

6) There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too f****** sad.

Nirvana Quotes

Everyone has something good inside them, but the speaker loves people so much that it makes them feel very sad. Maybe they see the bad things that happen to good people and it hurts them.

7) I had a really good childhood up until I was nine, and then a classic case of divorce really affected me.

Nirvana Quotes

My childhood was happy until I was nine, but then my parents got divorced and it had a big impact on me. This is a common situation where a divorce can cause a lot of emotional stress and turmoil for children.

8) Practice makes perfect, but nobody’s perfect, so why practice?

Nirvana Quotes

Practicing something can help you get better at it, but no one can ever be completely perfect. However, even though we can't be perfect, practicing can still help us improve and get closer to our goals.

9) Birds scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth, but sadly we don’t speak bird.

Nirvana Quotes

Birds make loud noises early in the morning to warn us of danger, but we can't understand them because we don't speak their language.

10) Youth must challenge corruption.

Nirvana Quotes

Young people have a responsibility to fight against corruption in society. They need to question the things that seem wrong and speak out against them to create positive change.

11) They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same.

Nirvana Quotes

People make fun of me for being different, but I find it funny because they are all the same. It's okay to be different and unique, and it's important to embrace who we are and not try to be like everyone else.

12) There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life.

Nirvana Quotes

Instead of complaining about being bored, there are many things we can do to make our lives more interesting. It's important to take action and try new things, rather than just wishing we had done something different.

13) With the lights out, it’s less dangerous. Here we are now, entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now, entertain us.

Nirvana Quotes

These are lyrics from Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" song. It suggests that in the dark, it's less scary, and they want to be entertained. The singer also feels foolish and like he can spread his feelings to others.

14) Load up on guns, and bring your friends; it’s fun to lose and to pretend.

Nirvana Quotes

This is a line from a song called "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. It's about feeling bored and wanting to rebel. The lyrics suggest that getting together with friends and doing something risky can be fun.

15) She’s over-bored and self-assured. Oh no, I know a dirty word.

Nirvana Quotes

The person being described is very bored and thinks they are better than others. The speaker knows a word that is considered bad, maybe because it shows that the person is not humble.

16) I’m worse at what I do best. And for this gift, I feel blessed.

Nirvana Quotes

I'm not very good at the things I'm supposed to be good at, but strangely enough, I'm happy about it. I feel grateful for this unique talent or gift, even though it's not what people expect from me.

17) Our little group has always been. And always will until the end.

Nirvana Quotes

We've been a small group for a long time, and we will always be together, even until the end.

18) And I forget just why I taste. Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile.

Nirvana Quotes

Forgetting why they're tasting something, but then remembering it's because it makes them happy and brings a smile to their face.

19) I found it hard, was hard to find. Oh well, whatever, never mind.

Nirvana Quotes

It was difficult to discover, but it doesn't matter now. The speaker seems resigned to the situation and is ready to move on. The phrase "never mind" implies a lack of concern.

20) A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido.

Nirvana Quotes

This is a line from the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. It's just a list of random words that don't really have any particular meaning, but they sound interesting and create a memorable image.

21) I’m so happy ’cause today I found my friends, they’re in my head.

Nirvana Quotes

This quote from the song "Lithium" by Nirvana means that the person is happy because they have found comfort and support from their own thoughts and imagination, rather than from physical friends.

22) Sunday morning is every day for all I care… And I’m not scared. Light my candles, in a daze. Because I’ve found god.

Nirvana Quotes

The person is saying that every day feels like Sunday morning to them, and they're not afraid. They feel a sense of peace and enlightenment like they've found God. They're in a trance-like state, lighting candles and feeling serene.

23) Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint.

Nirvana Quotes

This is a line from the song "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana. It means the speaker has a new problem or issue they want to share with someone and they're asking the person to wait and listen to them.

24) She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak. I’ve been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks. I’ve been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap. I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black.

Nirvana Quotes

These are song lyrics expressing intense emotions of being trapped and overwhelmed by someone's powerful attraction. The comparison to Pisces shows vulnerability, while the desire to "eat" cancer suggests a willingness to suffer for love.

25) Teenage angst has paid off well. Now, I’m bored and old.

Nirvana Quotes

When I was a teenager, I was very emotional and upset about things. But now that I'm older, I don't feel that way anymore. Instead, I feel bored and like I've lost my passion for life.

26) What else could I say? Everyone is gay. What else could I write? I don’t have the right. What else should I be? All apologies.

Nirvana Quotes

These lyrics express feeling trapped and unable to express oneself. The writer feels like they can't say or write what they really want, and they apologize for not being able to be true to themselves.

27) I’m not like them, but I can pretend… The day is done and I’m havin’ fun. I think I’m dumb; maybe just happy.

Nirvana Quotes

I'm different from everyone else, but sometimes I act like them to fit in. It's the end of the day, and I'm enjoying myself. I might not be smart, but I'm happy and that's what matters.

28) He’s the one who likes all our pretty songs, and he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun. But he knows not what it means.

Nirvana Quotes

This is a lyric from the song "In Bloom" by Nirvana. It means that someone enjoys listening to and participating in things that seem cool, but they don't understand the deeper meaning behind them.

29) I don’t care what you think unless it is about me. I now must completely drain you. I travel through a tube and end up with your infection.

Nirvana Quotes

This statement sounds aggressive and selfish. The speaker doesn't care about other people's opinions unless they're about them. They also talk about "draining" others and "infection," which can be harmful. It's important to treat others with kindness and respect.

30) Underneath the bridge; the tarp has sprung a leak. And the animals I’ve trapped have all become my pets. And I’m living off of grass and the drippings from the ceiling. It’s okay to eat fish, ‘Cause they don’t have any feelings.

Nirvana Quotes

The bridge has a leak and the animals he caught are now his pets. He survives on grass and water from the ceiling. He thinks it's okay to eat fish because they can't feel pain.

31) I was trying to write the ultimate pop song. I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies. I have to admit it. When I heard the Pixies for the first time, I connected with that band so heavily that I should have been in that band—or at least a Pixies cover band. We used their sense of dynamics, being soft and quiet and then loud and hard.

Nirvana Quotes

When writing a pop song, the speaker was inspired by a band called the Pixies. They liked their style so much that they tried to copy it. The Pixies had a unique way of playing softly and then loudly, and the speaker used that in their own music.

32) One of those songs I actually did finish while trying to write instead of taking pieces of my poetry and other things.

Nirvana Quotes

This song was different because the writer actually finished it while trying to write, instead of using bits and pieces from other things they had written before.

33) Did infuse some of my personal experiences, like breaking up with girlfriends and having bad relationships.

Nirvana Quotes

The person included their own personal experiences in their work, such as going through breakups and having difficult relationships. This helped make their work more authentic and relatable to others who may have gone through similar situations.

34) I was trying to wait for [bassist] Krist Novoselic and [drummer] Dave Grohl to come up with something but it just turned into noise all the time.

Nirvana Quotes

The speaker was waiting for the bassist and drummer to come up with a good idea for music, but they couldn't, and it just sounded like random noise instead of something good.

35) Something that Kurt wrote on [a] 4-track in our apartment in Olympia.

Nirvana Quotes

This is a short description of a song or recording that Kurt made in his apartment in Olympia using a 4-track machine. It suggests that the recording may have been personal and intimate, created in a DIY setting.

36) I remember hearing it and thinking, ‘God, this guy has such a beautiful sense of melody, I can’t believe he’s screaming all the time.’

Nirvana Quotes

When hearing the person's music, the speaker thought it had a beautiful melody but was surprised that the singer was screaming.

37) Just about easily amused people, people who not only aren’t capable of progressing their intelligence but are totally happy watching 10 hours of television and really enjoy it.

Nirvana Quotes

This is about people who find it easy to be entertained. They may not be interested in learning new things, but they are happy spending lots of time watching TV and find it enjoyable.

38) I’ve met a lot of dumb people. They have a shitty job, they may be totally lonely, they don’t have a girlfriend, they don’t have much of a social life, and yet, for some reason, they’re happy.

Nirvana Quotes

Some people who might not seem to have much going on in their lives can still be happy. Even if they have a bad job, are lonely, or don't have a girlfriend, they might find contentment in other areas of life.

39) So tired of the last year of people taking us so seriously. I wanted to fuck off and show them that we have a humorous side to us.

Nirvana Quotes

After a year of people being too serious, someone wanted to show their funny side and have a good time. They were tired of everything being so intense and wanted to lighten things up.

40) Kurt and I wanted the drums to be very understated. Dave was used to playing much louder; plus, it can be very difficult to go back and lay drums over an acoustic guitar track, as the meter may vary a bit.

Nirvana Quotes

Kurt and I wanted the drums to be subtle. Dave was used to playing loud, and adding drums after recording an acoustic guitar can be tough because the timing might be different.

41) Your mind is in nirvana.

Nirvana Quotes

When someone says "Your mind is in nirvana," it means that your mind is experiencing complete peace and happiness. It's like your mind is in a state of pure bliss and contentment.

42) Nirvana is not the blowing out of the candle. It is the extinguishing of the flame because the day comes.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana, or ultimate enlightenment, is not like blowing out a candle. It's more like letting the flame burn out naturally because the time has come. It's not something that can be forced or controlled, but it happens when it's meant to.

43) Nirvana is right here, in the midst of the turmoil of life. It is the state you find when you are no longer driven to live by compelling desires, fears, and social commitments and when you have found your center of freedom and can act by choice out of that. Voluntary action out of this center is the action of the bodhisattvas―joyful participation in the sorrows of the world. You are not grabbed, because you have released yourself from the grabbers of fear, lust, and duties.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is being free in the middle of life's problems. It happens when you're not controlled by strong desires, fears, or what others want you to do. You act freely from your own center, and even though there are difficulties, you find joy in helping others.

44) Nirvana; closing the eyes to see the world inside.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana means closing your eyes to see inside yourself. It's like taking a look at your thoughts and feelings without any distractions from the outside world. It's a way to find inner peace and clarity.

45) Nirvana is too simple an experience to be depicted by diagrams.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is a very simple and personal experience that cannot be explained by diagrams or pictures. It's something you have to feel and experience for yourself, and it's different for everyone.

46) Nirvana is an entire-body experience of complete knowing that our lives are enriched with abundance in the present moment and that it will continue to be going forward.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is when we feel totally happy and content in every part of our body. We know that we have everything we need right now, and we believe that we'll continue to be happy in the future.

47) Nirvana is what I describe as being in a state of worship; you see, you go beyond just feeling happy and grateful, and you enter into a state of mind that allows you to worship what you have been given or what you have attained or achieved, or whatever circumstance you are in that is making you happy.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is like feeling really thankful and happy, but even more than that. It's when you feel like you are worshipping and celebrating what you have, whether it's something you've achieved or just your current situation.

48) Enlightenment, or Nirvana, is nothing other than the state beyond all obstacles, in the same way, that from the peak of a very high mountain one always sees the sun.

Nirvana Quotes

Enlightenment or Nirvana means being free from all barriers. It's like being on top of a mountain, where you can see the sun clearly. When we reach this state, we are free from all obstacles and can see things as they truly are.

49) Nirvana is not a paradise or some special place of happiness but is in fact the condition beyond all dualistic concepts, including those of happiness and suffering.

Nirvana Quotes

Nirvana is not a happy place like paradise. It's actually a state where there are no good or bad things. It's a condition where you're free from all thoughts and feelings, even happiness and sadness.

50) When the Buddha declares there is an escape from sorrow, the escape is Nirvana, which is not a place, like heaven, but a psychological state of mind in which you are being released from desire and fear. And your life becomes harmonious, centered, and affirmative. Even with suffering.

Nirvana Quotes

The Buddha said there's a way to be free from sadness, called Nirvana. It's not a physical place, but a way of thinking where you're not controlled by wanting things or being scared. Your life feels balanced, positive, and calm, even if there are tough times.

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